Friday, April 11, 2014

The illusion of second chances

Perhaps it is something that happens to me when I travel (and I am away at a conference while I write this) the solitude of the flights and the panels causes me to engage in self-reflection.  Rarely does this mental motion take me to a happy place, and lately I have been thinking a great deal about what I am doing, really asking myself, "what will I make of my life?"

I am increasingly of the opinion that I have treated my life as though it was a dress rehearsal for most of my adult years.  In other words, as though I am going to get a second chance at this and consequently can be somewhat cavalier about what I do now.  This seems a poor way to live, as that second chance is an illusion.  I guess that this may be the mid-life existential crisis, but I haven't the other trappings of that trope (spouse, children, house), so perhaps this is something different.

I don't know what to do with this revelation.